
Community: 4th Zealy Sprint Complete

Walbi's 4th Sprint of Community Rewards Program is Complete

Andrew A.

Marketing enthusiast

Guest writer of the Walbi blog. Connect with him about cryptocurrency, cars, or boxing.

Hey, community! Our fourth sprint with Zealy was a tremendous success!

The fourth sprint of the Zealy Campaign has come to an end! In this blog post, we'll talk about our 4th sprint, delve into the rewards, and provide an exciting glimpse into our Community Rewards Program.

Rewards & Prizes

The distribution of rewards has commenced and will be completed within 1-2 days of the announcement. Zealy Quest #5 will be launched in the next few days, so stay tuned! This is a fantastic chance for those who missed the fourth sprint to join in. Spread the word and invite your friends!

Here’s the list of the winners from the 4th sprint, to whom we will be sending out the rewards!

Community Rewards Program

The Early Adopter NFT is a part of our Community Rewards Program, offering incredible perks to its participants. After collecting four roles (@Zealy_team, @Learner, @Follower, @Quest_early), you will be granted the Walbi Early Adopter NFT.

It provides you with:

👉 Access to exclusive raffles valued at 3 ETH

👉 Access to the Walbi AI Lighthouse

👉 +100% referral rate on the platform

👉 Additional rewards for NFT holders as the project grows

If you want to learn more about the Walbi Community Rewards Program, check out this article.

The Zealy rewards program is gaining momentum with our fourth sprint, and we're thrilled to witness its growth and benefits for our community members.